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Manusia Bodoh - Ada Band

Manusia Bodoh
Ada Band

Release date : Juni 2004
Album : Heaven in Love

Ada band is one of popular band in Indonesia and reached their peak of popularity during 2003. Ada band is well-known for their romantic lyrics and ballad song. Despite with many member changes, they still going strong until today.  Heaven in Love album is probably one of my favorite album from Ada band. And of course this song "Manusia Bodoh". The melody and deep voice of Donnie the vocalist really add romantic feeling.

I like the concept for this MV. How they decided to use clown, kind of represent that his crying in his heart but with smile on his face.

Album cover :

Dahulu terasa indah
It used to feel beautiful

Tak ingin lupakan
Never want to forget it

Bermesraan selalu jadi satu kenangan manis
Time with you always become one sweet memories

Tiada yang salah
Nothing can be blamed

Hanya aku manusia bodoh
Just me a stupid human being

Yang biarkan semua ini permainkanku
That let everything play around me

Berulang ulang kali
Over and over again

Mencoba bertahan sekuat hati
I'm trying to hold on as far as i could

Layaknya karang yang dihempas sang ombak
Like a coral that being hit by the waves

Jalani hidup dalam buai belaka
Live my life like in memories

Serahkan cinta tulus di dalam takdir
Give up a true love to destiny

Tak ayal tingkah lakumu
Really, Your behaviour

Buatku putus asa
Make me feel agitated

Kadang akal sehat ini
Sometimes this common sense

Tak cukup membendungnya
Just can't hold on anymore

Hanya kepedihan
Just pain

Yang selalu datang menertawakanku
That always came to laugh at me

Engkau belahan jiwa
You are my soulmate

Tega menari indah di atas tangisanku
Daring to dance beautifully on my tears

Mencoba bertahan sekuat hati
I'm trying to hold on as far as i could

Layaknya karang yang dihempas sang ombak
Like a coral that being hit by the waves

Jalani hidup dalam buai belaka
Live my life like in memories

Serahkan cinta tulus di dalam takdir
Give up a true love to destiny

Tapi sampai kapankah kuharus
But how longer must i

Endure it

kutukan cinta ini
This love's curse

Semua kisah pasti ada akhir
Every story must have an end

Yang harus dilalui
That we must going through

Begitu juga akhir kisah ini
Just like the end of this story

Yakinku indah
I'm sure it will be beautiful

Mencoba bertahan sekuat hati
I'm trying to hold on as far as i could

Layaknya karang yang dihempas sang ombak
Like a coral that being hit by the waves

Jalani hidup dalam buai belaka
Live my life like in memories

Serahkan cinta tulus di dalam takdir
Give up a true love to destiny

Tapi sampai kapankah kuharus
But how longer must i

Endure it

kutukan cinta ini
This love's curse

Bersemayam dalam kalbu
that hidden in my heart 
Manusia Bodoh - Ada Band Manusia Bodoh - Ada Band Reviewed by Unknown on 8:41 AM Rating: 5

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