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Dekat di Hati - RAN

Dekat di Hati

Album : Hari Baru
Release date : 2013

Simple song, simple lyrics. Sometimes that's what you need when you listen to a song. Ran's song "Dekat di Hati" have a simple story and simple lyrics, and that's what make this song lovable. Weird MV, i mean what the point about wearing a mask hat and stuff ? But still love the song.

Official MV :

Dering telefonku membuatku tersenyum di pagi hari
My phone rang at early morning today and it make me smile

Kau bercerita semalam kita bertemu dalam mimpi
You told me that last night we just met through your dreams
Entah mengapa aku merasakan hadirmu di sini
I don't know why but i felt your presence here next to me

Tawa candamu menghibur saatku sendiri
Your sweet laugh caress me when i was alone
Aku di sini dan kau di sana
I'm over here and you're over there

Hanya berjumpa via suara
Only seeing you through our voices

Namun ku slalu menunggu saat kita akan berjumpa
But i always waiting for the day we meet again
Meski kau kini jauh di sana
Even if you far away right now

Kita memandang langit yang sama
We are staring at the same sky

Jauh di mata namun dekat di hati
You are far from my sight but close at heart
Dering telefonku membuatku tersenyum di pagi hari
My phone rang at early morning today and it make me smile

Tawa candamu menghibur saatku sendiri
Your sweet laugh caress me when i was alone

Aku di sini dan kau di sana
I'm over here and you're over there

Hanya berjumpa via suara
Only seeing you through our voices

Namun ku slalu menunggu saat kita akan berjumpa
But i always waiting for the day we meet again
Meski kau kini jauh di sana
Even if you far away right now

Kita memandang langit yang sama
We are staring at the same sky

Jauh di mata namun dekat di hati
Far from sight but close at heart


Aku di sini dan kau di sana
I'm over here and you're over there

Hanya berjumpa via suara
Only seeing you through our voices

Namun ku slalu menunggu saat kita akan berjumpa
But i always waiting for the day we meet again

Meski kau kini jauh di sana
Even if you far away right now

Kita memandang langit yang sama
We are staring at the same sky

Jauh di mata namun kau dekat di hati
Far from sight but you are close at heart
Jarak dan waktu takkan berarti
Distance and time are meaningless

Karena kau akan selalu di hati
Because you are always in my heart

Bagai detak jantung yang kubawa kemanapun kupergi
Like my heartbeat that i carry whenever i go
Meski kau kini jauh di sana
Even if you far away right now

Kita memandang langit yang sama
We are staring at the same sky

Jauh di mata namun dekat di hati
Far from sight but close at heart

dekat di hati
close at heart

dekat di hati
close at heart
Dekat di Hati - RAN Dekat di Hati - RAN Reviewed by Unknown on 7:27 AM Rating: 5

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